I shall be vending this event on all three weekends with Kuriouser and Kuriouser! Come see me! Come buy strange garments and accessories! Come ogle at the phenomena of physics that is my vending tent! Hope to see you there! If you are good, I might even let you look at the log that I brought all the way from Vermont to display bracelets on! More info HERE. About the faire... not the log....
This is an event I am looking forward to very much. I am dressing Desert Sin for their scintillating piece, Onania. The show has a killer line-up. Come see things that I am certain will shock, amaze, and baffle you! Certainly not for the faint of mind, weak of heart, and anyone younger than legal drinking age. It is at Galapagos Art Space, a venue worth seeing in and of itself.
Hopefully I've sold you on it. Now attend it! And enjoy yourself!