Friday, September 23, 2011

Psyche Corporation's Performance at Anachronism

Once again I had the pleasure of dressing Psyche Corporation for her performance at Anachronism. This time, she wore a red skirt with snaps up the front from my Monstrous collection, and a corset covered in antique industrial spools.

She looked awesome as usual, and her performance was tremendously influenced by her new band members, cellist Michael Lunapiena and guitarist Paul Hoppe. Soon she will have another mysterious member of her band.. playing bass and saxaphone... I wonder who that might be..

Also, these marvelous photos were taken by the one and only Babs Daniels, a lovely creature, made of what can only be described as sunshine-joy-fun-penguins.

And here's some pictures of my masks in the dressing room. Babs is so good at taking photos of still lives!

And here's me and some friends being outward about how sleepy we were after an 8 hour long event!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Anachronism 3: Visit to Edo

So this post is long overdue. Anachronism NYC: Visit To Edo occurred at Webster Hall in August, and I had a fashion show there that was vaguely based on Kabuki and animal totems. It was a fun show, I had very expressive models helping me out, and it was the first time I have ever been onstage in pointe shoes!

There are too many photos to count, from the fantabulous Babs Daniels, so there will most likely be a few more posts on this matter.

Modeled by Noam Berg
Rachael Harrington

Olivia Gagne
Olivia Gagne
Kat John Adams

Amy Topolski

Melanie McShane

Monday, September 05, 2011

New Psyche Corporation Video!!!

Behold the brilliant and amazing and beautiful force that is Psyche Corporation, who I am proud to call my friend.

here is a video for her new music video. I helped with some of the costumes, and a lot of other great people helped as well. Make sure to check out the credits at the end!

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